Tuesday, September 27, 2016

my grandma through my eyes

grandma passed on .

i woke up all of a sudden on 24th Sept wee morning hours & just when i'm about to head back to bed for another 30mins of sleep before getting ready for work , i took a glance at my phone and BAM at that moment i received a text followed by my dad's call right after . 

idk what went through my mind when i saw my name on grandma obituary . i was unable to come to terms with the fact she was no longer a part of the world around me . i struggled with the idea of death and the conceptual feeling we call grief . i've always fear the death of my loved ones and friends ever since my lower secondary bestfriend passed away . grandma death was the first i experienced among all my kins and now the thought of death becomes a subtle pain that lingers within me not knowing if the next breath is our last . what's even more heartbreaking is i do not know if and when i will have enough time to say my final words the fact that i do not know how to say goodbyes . i found peace only after reading this words of condolences among the few i received - " its okay to feel weak at this point , don't fight it ". & i had a good breakdown after .

grandma have been sick in the recent months. she spent most of her last months at home , most of the time sleeping , surrounded by family and ever-by-her-side grandpa . she reconciled with the idea of death and could slowly feel it coming but she kept it silent to herself . there was once i overheard her talking to herself that all she does is eat and sleep .. .. 
in the midst of all this , i realised my father was losing her mother . 
whenever i went home in malaysia to pay a visit to my grandparents , i witnessed the obvious change of grandma's body bearing the signs of past and present illnesses , from the over-swollen due to the side effects of the meds till down to bone wrap by literaly a layer of skin . it aches so much just by looking at her . i imagined myself at an older age and thought about how time changes one’s perspective on being a woman . but despite being ill , grandma never forgets to look pretty infront of her 10 children and many grandchildren and now loss count great-grandchildren or when she's expecting guests . she will always have a plastic bag containing her comb , gel , and most imortantly , mirror hanging by the handle of her wheelchair. she wants to present her prettiest self to eveyrone .

grandpa never leaves grandma side . he makes sure he gave her a shower ,  fed her , took her meds and one of their children or grandchildren is around to take care of grandma before heading to his orchard to water his vegetable plants and fruit trees . even so , he makes it a quick trip instead of hours he used to take . he never gives up on her once and they're the perfect role model i've always looked up to .

death comes fast out of nowhere . it will happen to eveyone . it's not a plan . i'm being an unfillial grandaughter . my pressence wasn't there during the chanting . but my soul cerianly did . & i couldn't be there to bury her body either . I wasn't there for her in her last moments . no matter what methods i tried , i hate the fact i couldn't get through the immigrations and be there . i regret not putting in 100% to perfect my hokkien . we could've chatted more 'bout anything in life if i did . come to think of it , i hardly know what kind of activities my grandma really enjoys doing , i can only vividly remeber one or two . i'm not as close to my grandma and grandpa as compared to my brother since he was taken care of by them the moment he's born but i'll definitely miss her telling me to " eat more eat more " at every meal making sure we'll never go hungry . 

RIP grandma , i hope you left with a peace of mind . you'll never be forgotten . also , thank you to those who gave me your kind words of condolences and being there for me during this difficult time . i do appreciate it .

" Maybe death is a beautiful beginning ; a fresh start where the people we cherish feel no pain and watch over us as we continue to live our everyday lives . "

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

oh wow, hello September.

This is wow . the last time i log in and posted a post is almost 10 months ago.

But hello there, I'm back & this time , decided to be a lil' hardworking and 'renovate' this lil' space .

I kinda ended 2015 on a wrong note with an unhealthy decision i made & so the start of 2016 was one hella ride for me all the way till now , 2016 is almost ending . but i made a promise to myself i need to clear these pile of mess before christmas , before a new year start . it's about time i start on a clean , healthy , brand new chapter of my adulthood.

Throughout this year , people come , people go - drifting in and out of my life , almost like characters in a favourite book . when you finally close the cover , the characters have told their story and you start up again with another book , complete with new characters and new adventures . then you find yourself focusing on the present ones , not the ones from the past . so i deeply appreciate and thankful to those that stayed and helped me out through this tough period . i promise i'll come back even stronger .