Friday, November 23, 2012

Jingle to Christmas

Today I sat at the Cafe for two hours or so . Without books , without anything only a phone which left 15% and was used up , shut down after a few photos . And the Cafe was playing " Jingle bell , jingle bell , jingle all the way .." And I comb back through my memories suddenly . Way back to when I was a child . When was my first time I ever heard a full Christmas song ? When was the furst time I sang it . & I don't remember I've ever celebrated Christmas ? I remembered the wooden floor in my nanny's house then , which was really cold in the middle of the Christmas night and I like it . It was raining half the time , being the monsoon season . When I grow up , when I have a house of my own , I would want my floor to be wooden too . It has a tinge of homey feeling . Don't ya think so ? How I  hope I remembered my best friend in my kingdergarten years or do I have one , how are my those lil' playmates now ? How I hope I could still keep in contacts w my primary school bfriends . I wonder how izit feel like getting all so excited getting for my first Christmas presents or do I have one . That kind of innocence when everyone's still a lil' child . & how sad I am to have so damn lil' memories of my childhood . Ain't childhood memories always the best part bein' Ctrl + S in you ? Sigh .. Some time travel ability if only I own .You would probably know what I mean if you have the same feelin' as me .. & I'm missin' my dear Finn so much ..
Good night safe thoughts x

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